Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Free Write

Free Write

I have had a struggle coming up with a topic, so if it changes, so be it; that, after all is the writing process.  I started out thinking about bullying because it is such a hot topic.  That lead me to think about how mass media, parents, and even peers can influence body image.  If I use this topic it will focus specifically on the United States, because that directly affects me.  We see so much in magazines, movies, tv shows, commercials, billboards, Facebook, about how to look better, lose weight, get bigger muscles, etc.  There is also a big difference when comparing a girl and guy's self image.  There is tremendous pressure on both sexes, but is one worse than the other?  Then you have pressure from parents and peers.  Whatever clique  you roll with, may or may not have an impact on they way you look, but most likely it does.  If you are an athlete, you are expected to look like an athlete.  Parents want the best for their children, in most cases, so if your mom or dad notices you have been slacking in the health department, then they will probably tell you so.  It is an individual matter of consciousness, some people are going to take a comment from their parents harder than others.  How is this wrong or right to be influenced so greatly, especially from media that can be controlled?   Time's up.

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